
Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students will master the function and meaning of the sentence patterns "It's ... o'clock now. I'll ... at ... o'clock." to describe schedule.

Ability aims:

Students are able to understand the conversation through teacher's guidance. They can also understand others' arrangement in English.

Emotional aims:

Students will be able to arrange their time properly in their daily life and they will have more desire to learn English.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Students will master the function and meaning of the sentence pattern "It's ... o'clock now. I'll ... at ... o'clock." to describe an arrangement of time.

Difficult points:

Students will use the knowledge correctly out of the class.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Greet students and show a schedule of mine.

Ask students if they have a schedule as well.

(Justification: Through this activity, students' interest and curiosity can be aroused. It also can train their speaking ability.)

Step 2 Pre-listening

Teach students the the function and meaning of the sentence pattern "It's six o'clock now. I'll be home at seven o'clock."

Lead students to practice the sentences by changing the schedule.

(Justification: Students can acquire a new sentence pattern so as to enrich their English knowledge.)

Step 3 While-listening

1. Extensive listening

Listen to the part 2 for the first time and answer the question:

Whose birthday is it today?

(Justification: Students' ability of listening can be improved.)
