
英语语音教学在英语教学中占有举足轻重的位置,它奠定了学生英语发音的基础。撰写教学设计和试讲也是近年来教招考试中出现频率较高的考查形式,能够测出考生的语言功底和表达能力。故设计好一堂语音课是考生在面试中取得成功的第一步。本文以四年级上学期Unit 5 Our New Home语音课为例进行教学设计,该教学设计以学生的现实生活为出发点和归宿点,旨在让学生掌握基本的发音规律,在英语的交流中更加自信。

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can master the pronunciation of the letter “k” in a word.

Students will notice some words with the letter “k”.

Ability aims:

Students can read the letter “k” correctly when it is in a word.

Emotional aims:

Students will be more interested in learning English.

Students can have more confidence to enrich their English learning.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can remember the pronunciation of the letter “k”.

Difficult Points:

Students can read this letter “k” correctly in any words.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Greet students and sing a song I love my bedroom to lead in the topic on page 36.

(Justification: Lead in the topic on page 36 naturally and students will be very interested in learning English with a English song at the first beginning of a class.)

Step 2 Presentation

1. Let the student to listen the tape twice. When they are listening, let them pay attention to the pronunciation of these words: like, kite, bike. Then ask them the common among these words. At the same time, write more words such as: lake, thank, Kitty on the blackboard. And tell them how to pronounce it correctly.

2. Tell students the pronunciation of the letter “k” in a word.

(Justification: In this part, students will find out the right pronunciation of letter “k’ by themselves and have more interests in knowing more words.)

Step 3 Practice

1. Mechanical Drilling

Play a game named as Hot potato. Introduce the game rule to students first, then play the game together and let the lucky student to read the letter or sentence pointed by teacher. And play the game for two rounds.

(Justification: This game is set for students to practice their pronunciation of the letter “k” and the sentence in the listening material.)

2. Meaningful Drilling

At this part, let the student to make some sentences using the words on the blackboard. They have 5 minutes to do this task and when they finished, invite some students to show what they’ve made.

(Justification: Students will be more familiar with the words on the blackboard and the pronunciation of letter “k’ in a words.)

Step 4 Production

Let students make their interesting story by themselves using the words on the blackboard. They have 6minutes to do this task. And when they finished, invite some students to read their own funny story in front of the classroom.

(Justification: Cultivate their imagination ability and their creation vision. At the same time, students will be more familiar with what they’ve learned from this class. )

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Summarize the main content of the class and praise their enthusiastic of learning English.

Homework: Let students tell the story to their parents after class.

Blackboard design:

