
Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can master the pronunciation of F in different words.

Ability aims:

Students can speak the tongue twister combining the words with letter F.

Emotional aims:

Students will increase their interest in speaking out English and taking part in class activities.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can master the correct pronunciation about the letter F.

Difficult Points:

Students can speak the new sentence correctly and fluently.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in

Greet students and sing a song named ABC, after that ask students a question: “which letter looks like a flag?”

(Justification: singing can make the learning atmosphere more relaxing and the teacher can also lead the topic of letter F very naturally)

Step 2 Presentation

Show different pictures about the words including afternoon, father, football, breakfast and family, leading students to read the according word one by one loudly. Then let them find the things in common among these words. Then the teacher read the words loudly and correctly and let students pay more attention to the pronunciation of letter F. Making sure every students can master it.

(Justification: the knowledge aim is achieved in this part and student will have a deeper impression about the pronunciation of letter F.)

Step 3 Practice

1. Play the record about the sentence “ father has five footballs for his five funny boys” and let students read after it. Then they can practice it in pairs. 3 minutes later, some of them will be invited to show it in front of the class.

(Justification: students will be interested in this kind of sentence with rhythm. This can also consolidate the new knowledge.)

2. Students should imitate the sentence to create a new one, which should include at least 3 words with letter F and has rhythm at the same time. They can work together in group of 4. For example:

My name is Freddy,

And my friend’s name is Faith.

We live in Fremont.

And we like fairs.

(Justification: this task is a little difficult, the teacher can provide some ideas with students and this can cultivate students’ creativity.)

Step 4 Production

Song time: students can read the lyrics themselves and then the teacher plays the recorder. The teacher and students sing the song together. Students can also create a new rhyme for the lyrics.

(Justification: students in this age all like songs and the class atmosphere will be very happy, they can also master the pronunciation of letter F more deeply.)

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Invite one student to summarize what they have learned today.

Homework: Ask students to sing the song for their parents.

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