
Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can pronounce and understand the meaning of words about historical figures “cultural and natural heritage sites, discover and remove” and so on.

Students can comprehend the given reading material.

Ability aims:

Students can express their opinion about world heritages by using the target language through discussion.

Emotional aims:

Students’ cooperative and communicative spirits will be enhanced.

Students can cultivate an awareness of loving and protecting world heritages.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can master the spelling and usage of some new words.

Difficult Points:

How to apply what they have mastered into their daily communication.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warm-up and Lead-in

1.Daily greeting.

Talk about the weather today with students.

2. Play a documentary of world heritages published by BBC.

3.Ask students two questions:

a. “What is UNESCO?”

b. “What are the three types of World Heritage sites?”

(Justification:short film is an interesting way to create a nice atmosphere and questions prepares students for predicting the class )

Step 2 Presentation

1.Give students two minutes to read the small passage and underline the new words.

2. Match the meaning of the new words after reading on the blackboard. For example:

a. The “cultural heritage sites” refers to “文化遗址”;

b. The expression “natural heritage sites” means “自然遗产”;

c. “cultural and natural heritage sites” implies “自然文化遗产”.

3. Present several gorgeous pictures of World Heritage sites on the screen. Ask students to work in pairs and clarify them with three types in line with the clarification above.

4. Present some other words related to archaeology. Ask students to check the meaning with the help of dictionaries and have a discussion the following two questions:

a. what are the paraphrase of these words and expressions ?

b.Can you list the antonym and synonym of these words?

(Justification :leading students to learn new words from paraphrase and questions enhances their memory.)

Step3 Practice

1. Ask students to make sencences with the new words.

2.Translate several sentences on the screen with their partners.

(Justification:By doing so, stusents can better understand the wordsand can use them correctly.)

Step 3 Production

Group discussion

Divite students into 4 groups to figure out a plan of ytaveling. Think about following three questions:

a. Which heritage site are you going to visit?

b. Why do you want to go?

c. What are you going to do during the traveling?

Invite two groups to present a report in front of the class.

(Justification: group discussion cultivates student’s corporative ability.)

Step 4 Summary and homework

Summary: Review what we have learned together with students.

Homework: Design a poster advocating protection of heritage sites with 100 words.

(Justification: poster design applies what they have learned into real life.)

