
( B ) 1. The days in summer are longer than ______ in winter.

A. one B. those C. that D. these

( A ) 2. Every winter Simon and______ get together to look at each other’s drawings.

A. we B. our C. us D. ours

( B ) 3. Students are usually interested in movies. Some like cartoons, ______ like science fiction.

A. the others B. others C. the other D. other

( C ) 4. It’s going to rain. Take ______ umbrella with _______.

A. you, you B. your, your C. your, you D. you, your

( D ) 5. Enjoy ______, Kate and Betty.

A. yourself B. myself C. themselves D. yourselves

( A ) 6. ---What’s in the fridge? --- ______.

A. Nothing B. None C. No D. No one

( C ) 7. They were all very tired, but ______ of them would stop to have a rest.

A. any B. some C. none D. neither

( B ) 8. Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of ______.

A. their B. theirs C. them D. themselves

( B ) 9. Our teacher says dancing makes ______ beautiful inside and out.

A. our B. us C. ourselves D. ours

( D ) 10. Diana is thinner than ______.

A. the two B. another two C. any two D. the other two

( B ) 11. ______ danced together at the English party.

A. I, you and he B. You, he and I C. He, you and I D. I, he and you

( D ) 12. How far is ______ to the nearest metro station?

A. there B. where C. that D. it

( B ) 13. ______ language do you prefer to learn, English or German?

A. Whose B. Which C. What D. How

( C ) 14. There are fewer books in my bag than ______.

A. yours B. in mine C. in yours D. you

( D ) 15. There are three cars in the factory. One is made in Japan. ______ are made in China.

A. Other B. The other C. Others D. The rest

( B ) 16. Is there ______ in today’s newspaper?

A. important anything B. anything important

C. important something D. something important

( C ) 17. Children, don’t play with matches, or you’ll hurt ______.

A. you B. yourself C. yourselves D. yourselfs

( B ) 18. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens; ______ were as big as ten elephants.

A. the others B. Others C. the other D. Another

( C ) 19. She said her parents ______ taxi drivers.

A. are both B. all were C. were both D. are all

( C ) 20. He showed me the model first and then showed ______.

A. others it B. it others C. it to others D. it for others


