
Lesson plan presentation
Hello. It’s my pleasure to present my lesson plan here. The plan is for PEP NSEFC Module 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela -- A Modern Hero. This is the fourth period of the unit. The lesson type is reading and writing. Ss have learnt the reading part, finished the language points in the intensive reading. Now, firstly, let’s have a look at the teaching material in using language for reading and writing. The reading passage tells Elias’ working experience under the guidance of Nelson Mandela. The content connects with the reading part of this unit. Ss will continue to learn and evaluate Mandela’s great contribution and qualities from the point of Elias. It is helpful for writing. As writing task asks Ss to write a summary of Mandela’s life, there is some information related with Mandela’s life experience in the textbook. Ss have learnt much about Elias’ story and Mandela’s quality, but there is still a gap between what they have learnt and what they are going to output. Therefore, according to Ss’ interest and current knowledge, I add something about Bill Gates’ life experience. This can provide Ss more knowledge for writing. Thus Ss will share the values of both great people and famous people. 
Accordingly, based on the teaching material and learning condition, referred to the New English Curriculum lever six, the teaching objectives are as follows: For languages skills, Ss will be able to find some relative events describing the character, therefore, based on the findings they can talk about the qualities of great people. By making use of the given material, they can write a biography of great or famous people with the words and expressions learnt. For linguistic knowledge, Ss can use the words and expressions to describe people’s qualities, such as be sentenced to, escape from, and so on. Ss will be familiar with the elements and structure of biography. For learning strategies, they will be able to discuss efficient and make a draft in groups. They can make a summary of what they have learnt and make use of that into practice. They can learn to evaluate the outcome of their learning. For affects, Ss will learn from the qualities of the great and famous people. They can be aware of the greatness of responsibility for the sociality. For culture awareness, Ss will know the human condition of South Africans around 1950s.
Secondly, let’s see how to teach. This period focuses on developing Ss’ reading and writing competence. Besides, in order to fully use the teaching material and improve the efficiency of classroom activities, I will adopt the teaching mode put forward by Professor Luo Xiaojie, three stages and seven steps—reading for writing. The three stages are reading, speaking and writing. The seven steps are lead-in, predicting, while reading, post reading, writing preparation, writing a draft and writing assessment. So, accordingly, I will add some speaking activities before and after reading. There will be a discussion as the transition from reading to writing. 
Now, let’s focus on the main part of this presentation—teaching procedures. With the help of PPT and Multimedia, we will start our lesson with a guessing activity. It needs 3mins. I will ask Ss who is your hero or heroine. With the answers, I will tell Ss whether their hero or heroine is great people or famous people. Thus, they can know the difference between great people and famous people. Then, I will show Ss pictures and tell them one of the people in the picture is my idol. Ss will have a guess. Their interest can be totally aroused. Then, I will ask Ss: to South African, who is their “Zhou Enlai”? Then, we will move to the teaching of today naturally.
The second step is revision and predication. According to “I +1” theory, Ss can learn more based on what they have got. So the revision can help Ss activate the background information. There are two activities here. For the first one, Ss will retell Elias’ story by making sentences based on key words. For the second one, Ss will fill in a passage with the given words. By doing so, Ss will recall or learn the words within the content. After that, a prediction based on the passage will be given. Ss will predict the things happened to Elias. This step needs 9mins.
Now, Ss are ready for reading. For the third step, while reading, two activities will be given to be finished within 8mins. Activity one is answering questions. Three questions will be raised. In activity two, five sentences will be given with verbs or none-verbs missing. Ss will read the passage quickly and finish these two activities. Then they will know the general idea of the story. Meanwhile, with the answers, Ss will learn some words and expressions which are important for writing.
For one of the key points today, Ss will use the words to describe people. So after reading, Ss will have a discussion. This is step four. Four minutes will be spent here. Ss will use given words and phrases to describe Mandela from the viewpoints of Elias and themselves. These two steps function as the input for writing, getting Ss prepared for the words and viewpoints. 
While, there are more things for Ss to do before writing. For the fifth step, Ss will have some preparation for writing. 6 ms will be given. Activity one is translation. Ss will have a chance to practice the words and phrases taken from the text. Ss will use some of them. Here, Ss will solve a difficulty. They will know how to use the attributive clause with prepositions. Activity two is making outline. Ss will work out an outline for an essay to describe a person. 
Now, Ss are ready and feel confident and eager to write the first draft. Ss will have 8 ms to compose an essay about Nelson Mandela. They can also be allowed to write about Bill Gates according to your preferences. This is the key point for today, for all the prior steps aim to get Ss prepared for words, ideas, outlines, etc.
Based on interactive theory, writing is a process between Ss and Ss, between Ss and the teacher. So the last step is writing assessment. I will choose one of the students’ essays to check and make some comments, and then students are told to check their essays by themselves based on given criteria. The criteria are designed according to content, structures, language, and handwriting. Then Ss are asked to exchange their writings and make peer evaluations about each other’s essays. They will finish this step within 6ms.
According to process—oriented process, writing doesn’t end at first draft. So Ss will further polish their drafts and rewrite. This revision task is considered as the homework today.
For blackboard notes, I will show the outline and some key words for them. That’s all for my presentation. Thank you.

Blackboard Design:
                             Unit 5 Nelson Mandela
                              ----- a modern hero
How to describe a person:                         prep. ( 介词 ) + which/ whom
 Para. 1: Personal information                       escape from - run away from
   _____was born in_____.....                  out of work = unemployed
Para. 2: Hard work and success (achievements)       release from = set free from
      He/ She went through_______.                set up = start
(then / afterwards/ soon after/ later on/ finally).   come to power
 Para. 3. His/ Her good (and not so good ) qualities     allow sb to do                          
devoted, dedicated, determined,…            sth is rewarding
Para. 4: Your opinion                             = sth is worth doing
     I personally think____because____.          be sentenced to…

He is considered/ thought to be_______.              

面试热点:如何提高自己的备课能力   如何在教师资格面试中快速备课    教师资格证面试试讲中导入环节    面试精神太紧张?

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